Thursday, 11 October 2012

Where is T&T on the OSH landscape?

Today I am starting my first blog, on an issue that is close to my heart: Occupational Health and Safety in Trinidad and Tobago, or OSH T&T for short.

Some of my OSH T&T concerns are:
  • Where is our country in terms of OSH? Are there reliable statistics on this issue?
  • What is the status of our manufacturing companies with regard to establishing OSH management systems (OSHMS)?
  • Because many companies may not have in-house OSH expertise and may not be able to afford OSH consultancy guidance, how should they address their mandate to develop OSHMS that comply with the country's OSH legislation?
  • What additional elements are important to establishing a strong OSHMS, beyond the minimum level outlined through the country's OSH legislation?
  • Are there step-by-step phases that may be implemented to establish or improve a company's OSHMS?